New Patients at Jeffries Chiropractic
A Friendly Hello and No Waiting
When you walk through the door you’re greeted by our staff and asked to fill out some basic paperwork.
After the paperwork is complete, you’re taken to the examination room where you’ll meet the Dr. Jeffries for a consultation and exam.
Do I have to wait for my results to come back?
We do not believe in making you wait; we start your care immediately.”
What Did He Say?
“You’re always welcome to ask questions. I try to make it a point to explain the processes step by step, but if you want further clarification, please ask,” says Dr. Joseph Jeffries.
Your Health and Well-being Is Our Greatest Goal!
What if we can’t help you? “Although it doesn’t happen often, if we feel that we’re not able to help you properly, we’ll refer you to somebody who can.”
We have great relationships with many doctors and other medical professionals in and around the city. If we think they can help, we’ll send you to them.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to see results?
Will I get an adjustment on the first visit?
Do we have to pay every time we visit the clinic?
Schedule Your Appointment
Get in touch with us so we can help you reach your health goals!